Thursday, September 23, 2010

R.I.P. Lucy (May 1993-Sept 2010)

Tuesday 21 September, dawned a wet, cold and windy day in Rotorua, NZ.   Not complaining...I could have been in Christchurch or Southland, who were being blanketed with snow and had lost the roof of their stadium!   However, Lucy, the half tabby and half tortoise-shell cat, 17 human years old, had reached a stage, where her list of ailments and their consequences had become too long.   J. and I decided we`d get the vet to advise us, however, we really knew the only for Lucy.  So at 3.31 pm, the vet put the needle into the vein on her right foot...with 3 of us holding her, she fought to the was a matter of 2-3 seconds before the lethal concoction hit her heart and her wee tongue protruded from her mouth...marking the end of her life as she`d known it.   We patted her and felt the warmth escape from her little, still body.   G. checked her heart after several minutes and announced that she had "gone".   J. and I bundled her into one of her favourite sleeping sites...a sleeveless, woolen pull-over and we put her into the carrying crate.   I paid for the "deed" and we drove home.   J. dug a hole under one of her favourite sunning places, we said the Serenity prayer and placed her in the ground, covered her over and added two freisias on top.
Farewell were a fine, little friend, who was so easy to care for and to have in our lives.   We love you and always will.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your Lucy Cat but you have given her a lovely send off. I think the world of my Tapa Cat and know I will miss her also. See you at Lane Clark in the holidays. My son caught up with William in Russell recently.
    Tricia Dender
