Saturday, July 18, 2009

Meet the trilogy

Meet Lazzie. Ebony, well-upholstered and shiny. He joined the household back in 2007. He showed himself in the bush and J. fed him and after about 8 months of this, he came inside. Lazzie was originally named Blackie. " How original, " do I hear you say? One morning, when I was on breakfast fatigue, I glanced outside and saw this black shape lying in the garden. I told J. that Blackie was lying in the garden...very, very still. Thinking the worst, I suggested that she go and have a look. I heard, her ask "where in the garden is he?" "Under the tree", said I. After a couple of minutes searching, she yelled out, "that is a piece of black weed mat!" Hence him being renamed, Lazarus....Lazzie for short! The vet estimates that he is about 4 years old.

Lucy, half and half, half tabby and half tortoise-shell, is 16 years old. She was dumped by some lovely thoughtful soul, by the BP pumps at Lake Rotoma, on a cold, very wet May day, back in 1993. Terry, the manager and J. rescued the wee ball of wet fluff and J. dropped her off to me, snug and cozy in bed, because it was the school holidays. We named her Lucy, because of her bowels...very loose. Once she was wormed and cleaned up, she developed into a dear wee kitty. Has always been a home body and is not far from the noise of the shaken whiskas box. She has developed a thyroid problem - overactive, which in turn, has caused a heart murmur. Her back left foot, has an infected claw - hence the plaster on it, in the photo. The vet put a plastic collar on her...which stayed on for about 30 seconds, if that. We are not going to put her on to tablets for her thyroid because she gets so stressed and upset when you try to force anything into her...we will love her and care for her and let her live the rest of her life here, with us, for as long or as short as that maybe. We love Lucy.

Jack, the 8 year old tortoise-shell, makes up the third leg of the tripod! Like all tortoise-shell cats I have known, up close and personal (well, the only other one, the late, great Mister Mister)
he is a delightful, loveable, Barbara Streisand look alike! We got Jack from the SPCA, in late 2001 as a kitten. He bonded with me, as I was off work for the term, but he is more aligned with J. He has so much room, in which to roam and roam he does. Fussy eater and a dirty-stopout, he is gone at daybreak and wanders back, around tea time.

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