Friday, November 5, 2010

It`s everywhere, it`s everywhere!

Just been down town to have a look around.   Bumped into an old friend, from when I first went to Lynmore School in 1994.   This colleague used to work for Life Education Trust, as a teacher in the travelling classroom.   We caught up with what we have been doing...I shared how my own PD has been in ICT.   He asked who was taking the cluster in the contract we were in.   Bingo!   He knew our facillatator.   We talked on about the neat web 2.0 tools that are available for us and the kids with whom we share time and space.  
On the way home, I was thinking to myself, wow, this is the first time, I have spoken with someone else, outside of my school colleagues or those linked with school, about ICT.   To me, that seems a  big shift in my everyday learning.   I don`t expect to sit and chat about web 2.0 tools, outside the Warehouse.   Ha, ha!   I love it!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Council Think Tank - 2010 Lynmore School council - Term 3

Here we are, in a council meeting at Lynmore School`s Library, during Term 3, 2010 and a few of councillors delivering their reports to their buddy class.   Photos taken by Mr Ryves Hunt, A.P.  of the Think Tank meeting in the Library.    Brainstorming, Venn diagrams to compare and contrast...all wonderful thinking and co-operating to overcome challenges at the school.

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